Withered pine / Crows above the root
I was deenly moved when I saw this nine tree on ton of a small mountain where no one will care to visit
The tree was dead. probably because of the nine worm.
Although the leaves
and branches were almost aone the appearance that stands maiesticallv toward the skv was spectacular.
Few vears later when | visited again. the dead tree had already collapsed and lav on the around. Mavbe the dead tree was holding on waiting for me to sketch it before collapsina.
The majesty of it will live in my painting eternally. The Great East Japan Earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011
What made this unprecedented disaster was nuclear accident caused by natural disasters such as earthauakes and tsunamis
This incident made me and my family think about the meanina of life
I could not draw for about two months after that dav. Are we able to live in Tokvo? Is there anvthino we can do for the victims ? Manv thinas crossed my head. Conclusion was to draw. This work was drawn durina this tense situation. Crows flvina around evervwhere in confusion were exactlv mvself and a crow just lookina up stupefied in the center may have been too.
Looking at this work brings me back to those davs.