Cherry Blossoms
Considering my life as a painter is 30 years to go, there are too many materials I need to draw. And dozens of imades come up for each material. Cherry Blossoms for instance there exists numbers of them that I want tc draw and co aro Plim trascclide malintaine
Buodha statues and on and on
So, after reaching age of 50, I decided not to delimit my painter's life, and
challende to draw as manv as nassible
This is the last piece I drew durina 3vears exhibition at Ginza Matsuzakava. I started un with rock for the 1st year, 2nd year was cactus to make change. And for the final year, I decided to draw cherry blossoms which are iconic of Japanese paintings. Among the paintings of this period, this is the piece I drew with all my soul.
People ask me how I drew this piece which I do not remember much due to my concentration.